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Finances Reportings, Euro Medium Term Note Program (EMTN), green and sustainability bond framework, ratings... All documents about Île-de-France Region's green and sustainability funding.

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Sustainable bond (January 14th 2025)

  • Sustainable bond (January 14th 2025)

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2023 impact and allocation report

Document published in October 2024

Crédit photo : © Région Île-de-France


Île-de-France Region investor presentation

Document published in January 2025

Crédit photo : © Région Île-de-France







Invest for a Green and Sustainable Recovery in Île-de-France Region

(Presentation video – April 2021)

Bio of Valérie Pécresse, President of Île-de-France Region 


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In February 2025, Île-de-France Region has won 2 CFI.co Awards for its green and responsible finance policy
These 2 Awards are: Best Green Bond Thought Leadership Team Global 2025 and Best in Class Bond Issuer Global 2025.

According to CFI.co, Île-de-France Region demonstrates a steadfast commitment to sustainable finance, playing a pioneering and influential role in the issuance of green, social, and sustainable bonds. As France’s wealthiest and most populous Region, it integrates sustainability into every facet of its economic and environmental strategies, aligning with both the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Green Deal. The region has issued green and social bonds since 2012, consistently refining its robust framework to meet evolving global standards. In 2023, it allocated €600m to socially responsible investments, with 91.3 percent directed towards green projects. In 2024, it allocated €800m. Its sustainability bond framework adheres to the highest market standards, including the ICMA Green Bond Principles and the EU Taxonomy. The region’s Environmental Master Plan, SDRIF-E, and its 2022 Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan exemplify its proactive stance on climate resilience, urban greening, and resource efficiency. Additionally, it actively collaborates on European initiatives, such as the GreenGov project, to advance sustainable finance governance. The region also maintains a rigorous impact evaluation process, incorporating key performance indicators to assess CO₂ reduction, employment creation, and project beneficiaries. Furthering its leadership, it is working towards full alignment with the EU Green Bond Standard and continuously enhances its reporting practices to ensure transparency and accountability for global investors. The CFI.co Judging Panel congratulates Région Île-de-France on winning the 2025 global awards for Best Green Bond Thought Leadership Team and Best in Class Bond Issuer.

► On January 14th 2025, Île-de-France Region successfully launched the largest syndicated bond issue in its history
Produced in a sustainable format within the framework defined by the green, social and sustainable documentation of the region, this new strain has an unprecedented size of 1 Md€ with a duration of 10 years and 4 months and offers a yield of 3.669%. With a OAT+18-basis yield and demand more than four times the amount raised, the Region’s bond issue was the most successful on the financial markets, demonstrating its excellent management.

In April 2024, Île-de-France Region has won 2 CFI.co Awards for its green and responsible finance policy
These 2 Awards are: Best in Class Bond lssuer 2024 (global) and Best Green Bond Thought Leadership Team 2024 (global).
Read more: announcement online (CFI.co) and editorial online (CFI.co)

Île-de-France Region published in March 2021 its updated framework for green, social and sustainable bond issuance.
With this updated framework, the Region is undertaking a transparency exercise on its practices and is also continuing its leadership in sustainable finance markets as one of the first issuers to disclose alignment to the EU Taxonomy. 

 Region’s green and sustainable finances walk of fame

Download the list of finance awards received by Île-de-France Region